Acupuncture Cairns

Acupuncture Cairns

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Acupuncture Cairns

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to promote healing, balance energy (Qi), and relieve various health conditions. Acupuncture works by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes, improving blood circulation, and releasing endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.

In Cairns, acupuncture is commonly sought after for its effectiveness in treating a range of physical and emotional conditions, especially in a health-conscious and active community. With its tropical climate and outdoor lifestyle, Cairns residents and visitors often turn to acupuncture to address issues like muscle pain, injury recovery, and stress management.

Common Uses of Acupuncture in Cairns:

  1. Pain Relief: Acupuncture is frequently used to treat chronic pain, including back pain, neck pain, and joint discomfort. It’s also beneficial for relieving headaches and migraines, which are common in individuals facing stress or muscle tension from physical activities.

  2. Injury Recovery: Given the active lifestyle in Cairns, many people use acupuncture to support recovery from sports injuries, hiking strains, or water-related activities. It aids in reducing inflammation and speeding up the healing of muscles and ligaments.

  3. Stress and Anxiety Relief: Acupuncture helps manage stress, anxiety, and mental fatigue, which are common among both the local population and tourists. It promotes relaxation and balances the nervous system, leading to improved mood and sleep.

  4. Digestive Health: Due to changes in diet, particularly for tourists, digestive issues like bloating or indigestion are common. Acupuncture is often used to restore digestive balance and improve gut health.

  5. Women’s Health: Many women in Cairns seek acupuncture for menstrual irregularities, fertility treatments, and menopause symptoms. The natural and non-invasive nature of acupuncture makes it a popular option for supporting women’s health and hormone balance.

Why People in Cairns Use Acupuncture:

  • Tourists often seek acupuncture to help with jet lag, travel-related stress, or recovery from physical activities.
  • Locals frequently use it for ongoing wellness, injury recovery, or management of chronic conditions.
  • The holistic and natural approach appeals to the health-conscious Cairns population, who favor non-invasive treatments.
  • Many individuals use acupuncture as a preventive measure, improving energy flow to prevent future health issues.

SEO Keywords:

  • Acupuncture Cairns
  • Best acupuncture in Cairns
  • Pain relief acupuncture Cairns
  • Holistic acupuncture treatments Cairns
  • Acupuncture for injury recovery Cairns
  • Stress relief acupuncture Cairns
  • Natural pain management Cairns acupuncture

How to Book an Appointment

Please follow the Book online button to book a time or check availability.  Alternatively please text Tanya Galvin 0408 054 538.

The clinic was located at 111-113 McManus street Whitfield, Cairns, 4870.

The clinic is now located at 12 Scott Street Parramatta Park, Cairns, 4870.

It’s in a Queenslander and the entrance if via the front door (downstairs).  There is an intake form to fill in in the foyer.

Please note there is a 24 hour change or appointment or cancellation or no show policy.

The full Fee applies.

Acupuncture Cairns

This ancient system of healing views symptoms as signs of ‘disharmony’ ( rather than a named disease) and attributes illness to a disruption in the flow of qi,  or ‘life energy’.  Acupressure, acupuncture, herbalism, diet, qigong, tai chi, tuina and shiatsu are different aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), whose aim is to harmonize the flow of qi.  Although Western Doctors are sceptical about the concept of qi, the proven effectivenss of acupuncture in treating some conditions makes it one of the most widely accepted complementary therapies.

cairns fertlity

History of TCM

There is evidence that Acupuncture was practiced in China some 3,500 years ago.  The Nei Jing ( The Yellow Emperor’s Classic Of Internal Medicine, ) which dates from between 200bc and AD100, is one of the earliest documents to explain the principles of balance, harmony and moderation underpinning TCM.

After its introduction in China in the 16th Century, Western Medicine threatened to supersede TCM.  However, the establishment of the People’s Republic in 1949 led to a revival of the ancient medicine.  In China, TCM is now taught at Universities and practised in hospitals alongside Western Medicine.

New York times journalist James Reston had an emergency appendectomy while visiting China in 1972.  His account of how acupuncture relieved his post-operative pain re-awakened Western medical interest.  Since then, acupuncture has been widely studied, and ‘acupuncture’ is now often used to help relieve pain and nausea in hospitals and pain clinics. cairns fertility

Main Principles

TCM is about the body’s processes rather than its physical anatomy.  Practitioners view the body as an integrated whole, linked by energy and information transfer known as the flow of qi.  According to TCM, qi moves along a network of channels, called meridians, that run through the body.  Twelve meridians are named after the main internal organs through which they pass.  Two further meridians, the conception and governing channels, control the 12.

Disruption of qi on a meridian can cause a problem at any point along it, thus a disorder in the stomach meridian, which passes theough the upper gums, could cause tootheache.  Qi moves between yin and yang – opposite but complementary tendencies in the body – either to the centre (yin) or outwards to the surface (yang).  Carious factors including diet, the strengthe of the organs, environment, temperament and stress levels, will determine the balance between yin and yang.   If the balance is distrurbed, yin conditions) or yang conditions ( such as inflammations) will ensue. cairns fertility


A TCM practitioner uses four methods of diagnosis to assess a patient’s condition: asking, observing (this involves looking at the tongue, noting the tone of the skin and the way a patient moves), listening and smelling, and touching. The latter includes pulse taking; checking the rhythm and strength of al 12 meridian pulses (six on each wrist). The practitioner looks for ‘patterns of disharmony’, for example, yin or yang excess or deficiency in particular organs, and will then suggest a programme of herbal remedies, acupuncture and other treatments.

Treatment – there are about 365 acupoints along the meridians at which qi is concentrated and enters and leaves the body. The acupuncturist inserts fine stainless steel needles to a depth of about 4-25mm at these sites to stimulate or suppress the flow of qi. Needles may be left in place for a few minutes or as long as an hour. Sometimes a practitioner will burn moxa, a herb, over the acupoint to create a stimulating heat.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide range of medical conditions. It involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of Qi (pronounced “chee”), the body’s vital energy. Acupuncture is a safe and effective therapy that can help to alleviate pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall health and wellness.

Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of medical conditions, including:

  1. Chronic pain: Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in reducing chronic pain, including back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis pain.
  2. Headaches and migraines: Acupuncture can help to reduce the frequency and severity of headaches and migraines.
  3. Stress and anxiety: Acupuncture can help to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and reducing the body’s response to stress.
  4. Digestive issues: Acupuncture can help to improve digestive function and reduce symptoms of digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and acid reflux.
  5. Insomnia: Acupuncture can help to improve sleep quality and reduce the symptoms of insomnia.
  6. Infertility: Acupuncture can help to improve fertility by reducing stress and regulating hormone levels.
  7. Respiratory conditions: Acupuncture can help to reduce symptoms of respiratory conditions such as asthma and allergies.
  8. Menstrual issues: Acupuncture can help to regulate menstrual cycles and reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
  9. Addiction: Acupuncture can help to reduce symptoms of addiction and improve overall well-being.
  10. Fatigue: Acupuncture can help to improve energy levels and reduce fatigue.

At its core, acupuncture is a holistic therapy that seeks to address the underlying imbalances that are contributing to a person’s symptoms. By stimulating specific points on the body, acupuncture can help to promote healing and restore balance to the body’s systems. – cairns fertility

How to Book an Appointment

Please follow the Book online button to book a time or check availability.  Alternatively please text Tanya Galvin 0408 054 538.

The clinic was located at 111-113 McManus street Whitfield, Cairns, 4870.

The clinic is now located at 12 Scott Street Parramatta Park, Cairns, 4870.

It’s in a Queenslander and the entrance if via the front door (downstairs).  There is an intake form to fill in in the foyer.

Please note there is a 24 hour change or appointment or cancellation or no show policy.

The full Fee applies. or or or


Acupuncture IVF Cairns